return 'yes' === get_option( self::ORDERS_DATA_SYNC_ENABLED_OPTION ); } /** * Is a sync process currently in progress? * * @return bool */ public function pending_data_sync_is_in_progress(): bool { return 'yes' === get_option( self::PENDING_SYNC_IS_IN_PROGRESS_OPTION ); } /** * Get the current sync process status. * The information is meaningful only if pending_data_sync_is_in_progress return true. * * @return array */ public function get_sync_status() { return array( 'initial_pending_count' => (int) get_option( self::INITIAL_ORDERS_PENDING_SYNC_COUNT_OPTION, 0 ), 'current_pending_count' => $this->get_current_orders_pending_sync_count(), 'sync_in_progress' => $this->pending_data_sync_is_in_progress(), ); } /** * Calculate how many orders need to be synchronized currently. * * If an option whose name is given by self::FAKE_ORDERS_PENDING_SYNC_COUNT_OPTION exists, * then the value of that option is returned. This is temporary, to ease testing the feature * while it is in development. * * Otherwise a database query is performed to get how many orders match one of the following: * * - Existing in the authoritative table but not in the backup table. * - Existing in both tables, but they have a different update date. */ public function get_current_orders_pending_sync_count(): int { global $wpdb; // TODO: Remove the usage of the fake pending orders count once development of the feature is complete. $count = get_option( self::FAKE_ORDERS_PENDING_SYNC_COUNT_OPTION ); if ( false !== $count ) { return (int) $count; } $orders_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'wc_orders'; if ( $this->custom_orders_table_is_authoritative() ) { $missing_orders_count_sql = " SELECT COUNT(1) FROM $wpdb->posts posts INNER JOIN $orders_table orders ON WHERE posts.post_type = '" . self::PLACEHOLDER_ORDER_POST_TYPE . "'"; } else { $missing_orders_count_sql = " SELECT COUNT(1) FROM $wpdb->posts posts LEFT JOIN $orders_table orders ON WHERE posts.post_type = 'shop_order' AND posts.post_status != 'auto-draft' AND IS NULL"; } $sql = " SELECT( ($missing_orders_count_sql) + (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ( SELECT FROM $orders_table orders JOIN $wpdb->posts posts on posts.ID = WHERE posts.post_type = 'shop_order' AND orders.date_updated_gmt != posts.post_modified_gmt ) x) ) count"; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared return (int) $wpdb->get_var( $sql ); } /** * Is the custom orders table the authoritative data source for orders currently? * * @return bool Whether the custom orders table the authoritative data source for orders currently. */ public function custom_orders_table_is_authoritative(): bool { return 'yes' === get_option( CustomOrdersTableController::CUSTOM_ORDERS_TABLE_USAGE_ENABLED_OPTION ); } /** * Get a list of ids of orders than are out of sync. * * Valid values for $type are: * * ID_TYPE_MISSING_IN_ORDERS_TABLE: orders that exist in posts table but not in orders table. * ID_TYPE_MISSING_IN_POSTS_TABLE: orders that exist in orders table but not in posts table (the corresponding post entries are placeholders). * ID_TYPE_DIFFERENT_UPDATE_DATE: orders that exist in both tables but have different last update dates. * * @param int $type One of ID_TYPE_MISSING_IN_ORDERS_TABLE, ID_TYPE_MISSING_IN_POSTS_TABLE, ID_TYPE_DIFFERENT_UPDATE_DATE. * @param int $limit Maximum number of ids to return. * @return array An array of order ids. * @throws \Exception Invalid parameter. */ public function get_ids_of_orders_pending_sync( int $type, int $limit ) { global $wpdb; if ( $limit < 1 ) { throw new \Exception( '$limit must be at least 1' ); } $orders_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'wc_orders'; switch ( $type ) { case self::ID_TYPE_MISSING_IN_ORDERS_TABLE: $sql = " SELECT posts.ID FROM $wpdb->posts posts LEFT JOIN $orders_table orders ON posts.ID = WHERE posts.post_type='shop_order' AND posts.post_status != 'auto-draft' AND IS NULL"; break; case self::ID_TYPE_MISSING_IN_POSTS_TABLE: $sql = " SELECT posts.ID FROM $wpdb->posts posts INNER JOIN $orders_table orders ON WHERE posts.post_type = '" . self::PLACEHOLDER_ORDER_POST_TYPE . "'"; break; case self::ID_TYPE_DIFFERENT_UPDATE_DATE: $sql = " SELECT FROM $orders_table orders JOIN $wpdb->posts posts on posts.ID = WHERE posts.post_type = 'shop_order' AND orders.date_updated_gmt != posts.post_modified_gmt"; break; default: throw new \Exception( 'Invalid $type, must be one of the ID_TYPE_... constants.' ); } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB return array_map( 'intval', $wpdb->get_col( $sql . " LIMIT $limit" ) ); } /** * Start an orders synchronization process if all the following is true: * * 1. Data synchronization is enabled. * 2. Data synchronization isn't already in progress ($force can be used to bypass this). * 3. There's at least one out of sync order. * * This will set up the appropriate status information and schedule the first synchronization batch. * * @param bool $force If true, (re)start the sync process even if it's already in progress. */ public function maybe_start_synchronizing_pending_orders( bool $force = false ) { if ( ! $this->data_sync_is_enabled() || ( $this->pending_data_sync_is_in_progress() && ! $force ) ) { return; } $initial_pending_count = $this->get_current_orders_pending_sync_count(); if ( 0 === $initial_pending_count ) { return; } update_option( self::INITIAL_ORDERS_PENDING_SYNC_COUNT_OPTION, $initial_pending_count ); $queue = WC()->get_instance_of( \WC_Queue::class ); $queue->cancel_all( self::ORDERS_SYNC_SCHEDULED_ACTION_CALLBACK ); update_option( self::PENDING_SYNC_IS_IN_PROGRESS_OPTION, 'yes' ); $this->schedule_pending_orders_synchronization(); } /** * Schedule the next orders synchronization batch. */ private function schedule_pending_orders_synchronization() { $queue = WC()->get_instance_of( \WC_Queue::class ); $queue->schedule_single( WC()->call_function( 'time' ) + self::SECONDS_BETWEEN_BATCH_SYNCS, self::ORDERS_SYNC_SCHEDULED_ACTION_CALLBACK, array(), 'woocommerce-db-updates' ); } /** * Run one orders synchronization batch. */ private function do_pending_orders_synchronization() { if ( ! $this->pending_data_sync_is_in_progress() ) { return; } // TODO: Remove the usage of the fake pending orders count once development of the feature is complete. $fake_count = get_option( self::FAKE_ORDERS_PENDING_SYNC_COUNT_OPTION ); if ( false !== $fake_count ) { update_option( 'woocommerce_fake_orders_pending_sync_count', (int) $fake_count - 1 ); } else { $this->sync_next_batch(); } if ( 0 === $this->get_current_orders_pending_sync_count() ) { $this->cleanup_synchronization_state(); /** * Hook to signal that the orders tables synchronization process has finished (nothing left to synchronize). * * @since 6.5.0 */ do_action( self::PENDING_SYNCHRONIZATION_FINISHED_ACTION ); } else { $this->schedule_pending_orders_synchronization(); } } /** * Processes a batch of out of sync orders. * First it synchronizes orders that don't exist in the backup table, and after that, * it synchronizes orders that exist in both tables but have a different last update date. * * @return void */ private function sync_next_batch(): void { /** * Filter to customize the count of orders that will be synchronized in each step of the custom orders table to/from posts table synchronization process. * * @since 6.6.0 * * @param int Default value for the count. */ $batch_size = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_orders_cot_and_posts_sync_step_size', self::ORDERS_SYNC_BATCH_SIZE ); if ( $this->custom_orders_table_is_authoritative() ) { $order_ids = $this->get_ids_of_orders_pending_sync( self::ID_TYPE_MISSING_IN_POSTS_TABLE, $batch_size ); // TODO: Load $order_ids orders from the orders table and create them (by updating the corresponding placeholder record) in the posts table. } else { $order_ids = $this->get_ids_of_orders_pending_sync( self::ID_TYPE_MISSING_IN_ORDERS_TABLE, $batch_size ); $this->posts_to_cot_migrator->migrate_orders( $order_ids ); } $batch_size -= count( $order_ids ); if ( 0 === $batch_size ) { return; } $order_ids = $this->get_ids_of_orders_pending_sync( self::ID_TYPE_DIFFERENT_UPDATE_DATE, $batch_size ); if ( 0 === count( $order_ids ) ) { return; } // phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.EmptyStatement.DetectedIf if ( $this->custom_orders_table_is_authoritative() ) { // TODO: Load $order_ids orders from the orders table and update them in the posts table. } else { $this->posts_to_cot_migrator->migrate_orders( $order_ids ); } } /** * Cleanup all the synchronization status information, * because the process has been disabled by the user via settings, * or because there's nothing left to syncrhonize. */ public function cleanup_synchronization_state() { delete_option( self::INITIAL_ORDERS_PENDING_SYNC_COUNT_OPTION ); delete_option( self::PENDING_SYNC_IS_IN_PROGRESS_OPTION ); } }